The Flower Of Life symbol is one of the most symbols, well known, and recognizedgeometricwithin the magical world ofSacredGeometry. The symbol Flower of life represents the cycle of life. It's believed that within this symbol, holds the most meaningful andsacredpatterns of our universe as a whole. It connects us to all living things through this beautiful, physical representation that we can see with the naked eye. There are many who believe, if we can begin to understand the Flower Of Life, that we can understand the complex inner and outer workings of the Universe. This ancient symbol demonstrates that all consciousness arises from one source (the first circle).
The 5 platonic solids are found within Flower Of Life, as well as many others including the Seed Of Life, Tree Of Life, and Metatron's Cube just to name a few. These shapes act as building blocks for all living things, starting with the very first circle. This incredible pattern is created by nineteen overlapping circles. The pattern formed by the circles creates an image of perfectly symmetrical flowers. There are many variations of the Flower Of Life, some having as little as only seven circles. Many believe that the Flower Of Life symbol represents the cycle of creation, from beginning to end. The word "Flower" is present in it's name not just because it looks like a flower, but because of the life cycle of a Fruit Tree. It is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful symbols that we know and have come to respect and admire. To this day, The Flower Of Life continues to fascinate us!
With its roots in Mathematics,SacredGeometry's Flower Of Life expands to quantum physics, and is applied in energy healing, meditation, and mysticism. It's also incorporated in many different arm forms all around the world.